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Sexual Purity

Welcome to our sexual purity page. While the term can refer to various areas of sexual dysfunction, we focus primarily on pornography addiction, as it is the most pervasive, ugly, damaging, and secret sin that many men (and some women) struggle with on a daily basis. Our recovery program is called “Clean Living”, and it consists of eight steps along with a 90-day journal. This program is designed to help anyone who is truly determined to overcome their porn habit become porn-free within 90 days.

We ask that you request more information by using the form below, for several reasons:

  1. If you are responding on behalf of a church or men’s group, it is necessary that accountability partners are in place and trained.

  2. If you are responding personally, you must understand that rarely is porn addiction overcome by an individual alone. We want to personally encourage you to put all the necessary components in place to maximize your chances of success.

Breaking free from an addiction to pornography is difficult, but by God’s grace and commitment to an effective process, you can prevail!

If you have finally decided to overcome your addiction, please contact us to discuss next steps.



Sexual Purity

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